
Posts Tagged ‘Intolerance Free Zone’

Purveyors of hatred are not welcome!

Hizb ut Tahrir, a supremacist global Islamist group, are holding an event on Saturday 9th at the Water Lily Centre on Mile End Road. Hizb ut Tahrir are renowned for espousing anti-Semitic, homophobic poison and pushing an extreme, twisted version of Islam. It seems that the Water Lily Centre is allowing itself to become a magnet for hate. Last November, Anjem Choudary tried to stage an event there, but his luck ran out when his cover was blown. At the time, the Water Lily said that extremists weren’t welcome. Yet they’ve accepted a booking from Hizb ut Tahrir, although allegedly, the booking was made under the name of ‘Muslim Forum UK’.* One of the directors of the Water Lily was made aware of this but said that unless there were any objections from the police, the event would be allowed to go ahead. It would seem that business is business… Well, you can take the opportunity to let the Water Lily know about your disquiet at allowing the purveyors of anti-Semitism and homophobia to speak at their venue – here are the contact details:

The Water Lilly Centre – Tel: 0207 790 2211 – e-mail –

Tower Hamlets has numerous problems with economic and social deprivation. It doesn’t need the purveyors of hate and division in the form of Hizb ut Tahrir coming into the borough to prey on the frustration and alienation felt by many of the youth in the area. Our message to Hizb ut Tahrir and any other hate merchants thinking of coming into Tower Hamlets to stir things up for their own devious, nefarious ends is summed up by the slogan below. To help get the message across, this will soon be available as a sticker…
